Thursday, March 3, 2011

Stubborn & Rebellious

Alcoholics are stubborn and rebellious - no big news there, right? I think we all pretty much get that. It's also in our nature to resist following instructions. It says on page 58 of the Big Book that "some of us have tried to hold on to our old ideas and the result was nil until we let go absolutely." I know that to be true. I tried to hold onto some of my old ideas when I first came to the fellowship, but eventually I realized that my ideas got me into trouble. I finally decided to take advise, and became willing to do as the old-timers in the fellowship instructed. In other words, I finally let go absolutely.

On page 59 of the Book it says that "half measures availed us nothing." And before that (on page 58) it says "if you have decided you want what we have and are willing to go to any length to get it, then you are ready to take certain steps." So why is it that people who hear those words read at the beginning of each AA meeting still try to hold onto their old ideas and use half measures? It obviously is because of that stubborness and rebelliousness I mentioned earlier.

I get so frustrated sometimes with newcomers who don't seem to take the program seriously. They come in and tell their sad stories and talk about how they must quit drinking, but then they will not follow the instructions given to them. And of course, if you don't follow instructions then you don't get well. No matter what they have been through and what they learn from us about the disease of alcoholism they still want to try a mixture of their old ideas and some new AA ideas. The results are nil, as the Big Book says. It just doesn't work.

Unfortunately, there is no way we can change this. I have no magic cure that will make alcoholics listen and learn quickly. We usually have to learn the hard way. But, we must keep carrying the message of hope, and a few of them along the way will grab hold of what they learn and run with it, and stay sober for the long haul. For those few we must keep reaching out and lending a hand - just like those folks did for us when we were new. Thank God the hand of AA is far-reaching, and patient.