Thursday, February 9, 2012

Faith or Leg Work

Sometimes it is hard to know the difference between exercising faith and being lazy.  To put it another way, it is difficult sometimes to know when to act or wait.  For example, if I turn something over to God does that mean I don't give it anymore thought or does it mean I keep putting my best effort into it and let God take care of the results? Not so easy to decide sometimes.

The way that I've resolved this, at least to my temporary satisfaction, is to keep doing what I can to make things happen that I think should happen, (like finding a job) but not to worry about the outcome.  God has me in his loving hands, but I need to do what I can to help things along.  Yes, it is a fine line sometimes, but I am pretty sure God is not going to let me sit back on my butt while he sends lots of money my way.  Most of us have to work for it if we are given that opportunity.  If not, then I need to have faith that God has something better waiting for me.   

God grant me the serenity...

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The Learning Never Stops

Recently I had an epithany concerning a resentment I have had for a while.  I realized that the person I resented would not have done the things they did if I had not started the ball rolling with what I did.  I was in the wrong.  I stepped over a boundry that I should not have crossed. The result was two of us got hurt. 

The good news is I learned some things from the experience.  I learned a lot about me, and that is what recovery is all about.  The learning never stops as long as we keep doing what step 10 tells us to do - we continue to take inventory and when we are wrong we promptly admit it.  Thank God that the learning never stops.