Monday, February 21, 2011

Change Of Character?

Due to a meeting discussion at a local AA group, and an online discussion forum I participate in, I was made very aware of the differences of opinion regarding whether or not the 12 steps are simply behavior modification or a process that brings about a change of character. Personally, I agree with those who said it is behavior modification that can possibly lead to a change of character - if that is what is desired.

For me, the character change came more over time. I am more honest than I used to be, and I have more integrity. I also have more faith and hope, and I try to be a decent, human being.

In my opinion, which comes from much observation over a long period of time, I believe the people whose character improves have a much easier time staying sober. It appears to me that those who just change their behavior are treading water and have no confidence in their ability to stay sober for the long haul. (This is not a judgment, just an observation). Those with a character change tend to focus on living life and being of service to others, knowing that a life well lived will be alcohol-free. After all, the desire to drink was miraculously removed as I worked my way through the steps. By choosing to earnestly work through the process I changed into a non-drinking person, therefore alcohol is a non-issue.

Let me make it perfectly clear that I'm not judging those who only changed their behavior. I'm just saying that there is a lot more than sobriety that can be gained from the 12 steps. We can choose to become better people, and we have the spiritual tools to help us, and the support of those who have preceded us in this.