Sunday, August 15, 2010

Talking To Members Of The Opposite Sex

I've been reading a discussion on an online AA forum about whether or not women and men should talk to one another before and after meetings. The man who started the discussion only has a few days sobriety so he's entitled to be confused about AA protocol - and pretty much anything else actually. It's the chastising he received from another man in his local AA group that has me puzzled. This newcomer likes to talk with people after meetings (and we do encourage the newcomers to do that, by the way) and some of the people he talks to just happen to be women. After one meeting he was approached by one of the men in attendance and told not to talk to the women. How very, very strange!

I do agree that we need to watch our motives when we deal with the opposite sex - especially in AA where people are trying to get their lives in order. However, I don't think totally staying away from them is the answer. I recall my early days in recovery. I felt really comfortable talking with a particular lady and she was totally comfortable talking to me. I knew she had a boyfriend and I never once moved on her; I just needed to talk with someone and she was available. I really needed that. Thank God for people like her who didn't care what the AA judges thought about it - she just wanted to help.

When anyone, anywhere reaches out for help, I want the hand of A.A. always to be there and for that I am Responsible.